Friday, August 1, 2008

America's Fastfood lineup

I was surprised to see my favorite Chipotle is lower than McDonald's and Burger King. It looks that being owned by McDonald's means sitting lower in health factors...


Anonymous said...

I didn't know that!

Esfand` said...

=D I love Chipotle tooo
n yea, true .... but who cares for health, right? :P

Reza said...

Well, you are still young, my friend. Cholesterol and stuff are my life reality and I have to watch out for rumors :)

Esfand` said...

Oh, no ... I didnt mean it in this way. Of course I do care, and of course you do care. I was refering to this lean mean corporate world, which even if it brings up an issue like those of organic replacing GM food is again only for boosting up their sales :)
marketing tactics like low fat, low carb.... or are they truely worried about our health.

Have a great long life my friend! Keep healthy and happy!

Born in 1355 said... can't always trust yahoo's social or so called health related articles; what? they are saying because burritos are huge, Chipotle is worse than MC Donald? Or because they don't have a kids friendly menu they are unhealthy? You know you "can" eat a super healthy meal in Chipotle if you wish to! Ask for a smaller portion or just don't eat the whole burrito! Get your own mix and match salad and go on a less creamy dressing than ranch! I say it's all up to us and how we place our orders, how we eat and more importantly how we burn it all!

Reza said...

Your perceptions make sense. Actually we got the almost the same conclusions when talking to one of my friends. So all this makes the whole article questionable: I appreciate the discussion, though.

Reza Mahani said...

it is all too confusing, so we have limited our outside eating to a couple of times a week, and accepted that it is hard to control the healthiness of the food once you are out there, for internal and external reasons :)