Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Meaning of Life

On Sunday, after attending the Mary Magdalene Sanctuary, we talked about the meaning of life--if there's any-- from an atheist's point of view.

Dave and me strongly believed that there was no such a thing as "meaning of life" and after all what we do and what we believe is absolutely irrelevant from the cosmos point of view.

Mather, on the other hand, tried to establish the concept but was unable to do so and sounded a little like theists trying to proof the existences of none-existent God. Pretty unlikely of him.

Today, Dave sent me this:

I have heard over and over that if God did not exist, then life would not have any meaning. So the meaning of life must be something like 'To Worship One's Creator'. If that is so, then what is the meaning of God's life? He surely can not worship his creator since by definition he does not have one. Does this not mean that the meaning of an Atheist's life is identical to the meaning of God's life? (Neither one having a creator). So if God gets enjoyment by playing with his creation, then the meaning of an Atheists life is to enjoy playing with his/her creation. This creation can be what ever one dreams up. Art. Hobbies. Whatever... (I suppose one could include 'Children' but arguably, they may be more of a pain than a source enjoyment...)

So life without a God is not meaningless or else Christians should tell their God to commit suicide immediately.

So the meaning of life appears to be (the subjective answer of): "Follow your bliss". (Different for each person of course).

I very much liked it. Thought of sharing it with you.

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