Wednesday, July 2, 2008

All-You-Can-Eat, Nude-Bar

When you see the full-nude bar on the block is advertising for all-you-can-eat pizza and salad, --with those dancing people with signs on the street-- you'd understand that the economy is really f@#$ed up.


Niloufar said...

yep !

Anonymous said...

Thank God somebody Brought this matter up!
Take care everybody! The road is slippery!

Reza said...

ha ha ha ...

Born in 1355 said...

Well, I'm not much of an expert on economy but I know economy is a cycle; it goes up and it goes down.
Two things for sure: 1) we all need food and 2), sex sells every where, at all times! So the nude bar jazzing it up with some free pizza is simply an idea; not very innovative though, but smart of course!May be the block needed it! Why not having both under one roof?
p.s. I do not fancy eating there but I'm sure many do!

Reza said...

Believe it or not, one of my friends once told me that he had had a lunch interview there long time ago, maybe late in nineties, with a prominent company like Cisco or Qualcomm, which I don't exactly recall; which was quite shocking when I heard it then :))