Thursday, March 26, 2009


فلاوین said...


Reza Mahani said...

good humor, but arrogant and insulting at the same time :)

Born in 1355 said...

آقا انگلیس گیر داده به دین و مذهب ها....اما اینجا ازین کارها نمی کنند...برعکس تصور خیلی ها آمریکاییها خیلی خیلی مذهبی هستند..

Anonymous said...

It's written on the place of an add!!
I'm wondering who is selling "Science"!!!


M&J said...

دقیقن چون انگلیسیا روشن فکرترن از این کارا بیشتر می کنن


میس شانزه لیزه said...

به طور کل از این جور جملات حقه میباره و دلپذیر نیست......

Esfand` said...


Cuckoo I dont think its insulting, tho its witty and clever, but partly its true.

n Parinaz, there are a lot of us out there trying to sell science just as a replacement for every other thing you know :P religion and god included ... lol!

Thanks for sharing Aidin!!! :D

M&J said...

شانزه ليزه جان ؛ من ممکنه که در این لحن « تمسخر » ببينم ولی نمی دونم چه جوری این می تونه درش « حقه » داشته باشه .

Esfand jaan; thanks for coming :)

Reza Mahani said...

to be honest, it is a bit stupid to think that religious is behind all human problems, it is the outcome of either a lazy mind or a mind who believes in science religiously :)))

M&J said...

It's the other way around, my friend: Human problems on a lazy mind is the reason that we have religion today :) The non-lazy minds pursuit the ways of science.

Reza Mahani said...

science grows in a tolerant environment, open to new ideas and to differences among people ... many scientists are atheist and many are religious

I am sure that you find it stupid for a scientist to use science to advocate a religious propaganda, I also think it is the same stupid if s/he tries to use it against religion

like politics, it is best for science to separate itself from religion

M&J said...

I agree.

Can we have the same expectation from religion too?

To "separate itself from science" and not to try to explain the world--the area of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Paleontology and so forth--and explaining the human traits i.e. Psychology? To leave the fields of finance and sociology and criminal justice and social psychology and medicine and hygiene and astronomy and astrophysics and Earth science to science?

If done, the separation of religion and science would be achieved and religion can have the rest which I think, would encompass the art of "prayer" :)

Happy Monday, my friend.

Esfand` said...

I wrote so many things ... but then erased them ... then wrote again .. n then erased them :)
but then I finally thought that I should atleast quote Sturt Chase here, n probably then there wont be any need for me to write anything else :D

“For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible.” - - Stuart Chase.

Have a great weekend my friends! n o .. its Easter ;) Have a wonderful Easter :D