Between 18 and 22, a woman is like Africa , half discovered, half wild, naturally beautiful with fertile soil.
Between 23 and 30, a woman is like America , well developed and open to trade, especially for someone with cash.
Between 31 and 35, a woman is like India , very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty.
Between 36 and 40, a woman is like France , gently aging; but still warm and a desirable place to visit.
Between 41 and 50, a woman is like Great Britain, with a glorious and all conquering past.
Between 51 and 60, a woman is like Yugoslavia , lost some wars, won some great battles but haunted by past mistakes, still very strong and proud.
Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Russia , very wide and borders are now largely un-patrolled.
After 70, she becomes Tibet .. Off the beaten path, with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages... Still desirable but only those with an adventurous spirit and a thirst for spiritual
knowledge and true love dare visit there.
Between 1 and 78, a man is like Iran , ruled by a dick.
1 year ago
the joke is clearly written by a man :)
Did you laugh?
I wanted to say that I was offended as a man, but to be honest, it is more or less through for most (if not all) men :)
I don't know about Iran though, I tend to say we get what we are ... but let's agree to disagree :)
I would have understood it, if you'd said that you were offended personally, as Cuckoo.
Talking of men in general, they are very much ruled by their pursuit of happiness which has strong sexual connotations to it.
And about Iran, I didn't see anything in your lines which disagrees with the fact that the country is ruled by a conglomerate of morons. You might be able to find other countries with the same situation but, it doesn't play down the awkwardness of the situation.
OK, you asked for it so here it goes :)
I see bits and pieces of ourselves in the government body in Iran. That is, take a person randomly from Tehran and let him/her run the country the results won't be any better!
I agree with you that politicians in most countries, including Iran, are morons ! :) Maybe that's the nature of power that corrupts its holders ...
Anyway, i liked the joke, these are just some observations on the side :)
Oh! Now I know why 30th birthday is the saddest for most women; it's a great fall from being the USA to India!
Also it feels good to know that it's the Indian curry not "me" that has been stinking for the past two years!
Cockoo: I am in love with words. And "talk" is one of the most erogenous, four-letter verbs one could engage; so thanks for coming by and "ginvin' it to me" :-)
Born: I love Indian food and wouldn't tolerate your insult on Curry ;-) Also for future reference, please be careful with Thai and Chinese and Iranian too. You already know about my personal affair with Mexican :-)
Eating in an Indian restaurant here is no way near to living in India , eating what they eat there and breathing their air! I had to live there a few weeks every year and no offense to anybody but the smell of curry would not leave me, my clothes or my skin for weeks after I returned to Iran!
BTW speaking of bizarre food, I just observed two colleagues try embryonic duck egg, apparently a Philippino delicacy!
haha... its written by a male history teacher who is definitely 78+ thats how he knows that its only from 1-78 that men are like Iran :P
and probably he is visiting Tibet thats why so much wisdom!
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